How soon can Android tablets beat iPad 2?

By the post title you would come to know that I am in support of Android and a believer that Android is going to dominate the tablet and mobile market sometime soon. But how soon is the question?

Image by Rouge Crown

"iPad which currently rules the tablet PC generation, might loose its lead status as early as 2012" says  experts. With companies like Motorola, Samsung, Toshiba, LG approaching Google's Android to power their tablet PC's, Apple is going to have a tough competition.

How to setup OpenCV 2.2 in Codeblocks

The thing with OpenCV libraries is that the method to set it up with codeblocks is different for every newer version! The last tutorial I posted was for Setting up OpenCV 2.0 with codeblocks. In this post I would follow the similar method and try  to be as clear as possible.
I will be using codeblocks 10.05 and OpenCV 2.2 on Windows 7 operating system. MinGW compiler ( The GNU GCC compiler ) in the codeblocks. So first check if your code blocks has this compiler installed. If no, then download one from the link below.

Download the latest version of codeblocks and OpenCV from the below links.
Code Blocks                  OpenCV 2.2

Follow the normal installation for code blocks. I couple of things to note during OpenCV installation is that it should be installed in the C:\ and  the environment variable PATH should be set. You would be prompted during the installation.